People were living in germ-infested, crowded and very unhealthy conditions, much like their place of work. Children and women laboured in harsh conditions, working long hours with little pay...The people were living in filth, working unthinkable hours and being paid very little.
A criticism of the judicial branch is that it has less of a check and balance than the other two branches in the sense that when it declares something as unconstitutional, the other two branches cannot veto or undo this decision. Basically, it has the power to make any law or decision unconstitutional without a check on that power. I disagree with this because the judicial branch has not declared anything unreasonably unconstitutional and they mostly use this power in ways that help the country as a whole
A written order issued by a court of instructing a law enforcement official, such as a sheriff or a tax collector, to perform a certain task.
High tariffs damage the U.S. economy by making it hard to import crops
Option - A
To protect the US industries Smoot-Hawley Traffic Act passed in June 1930 to impose increase in certain tariffs and effected some restrictions on trade. The increase in tariffs is made to boost the US economy.
The high tariff is made to increase the cost of imported products and to increase domestic production. However, the increase in tariff in the year 1930 had made a huge impact in the economy. Because of restriction in imports and high tariff, the availability of goods in markets are reduced and it had lowered the income and unemployment has become a major issue.