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The Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature is a reference guide wherein information on recently published articles in magazines and journals are found.
The evolution of the eohippus into the modern day horse is an example of metamorphosis.
A character change would be internal, stasis means to remain the same and extinction is the end of an organism, the eohippus is extinct, but the question is asking specifically about it's change. Therefore choice 4 is the correct answer.
Part A: by listing jobs created by solar and explaining how workers with earnings to spend help businesses
Part B: “Workers will have to build solar panels. Truck drivers will have to deliver them. Some technicians will have to install them. Others will have to maintain them. All of these people will earn good wages. And as they spend those wages, they will support other businesses. That will create a positive economic ripple effect.”
Yes to building a strong relationship with your parents
No to modeling behaviors seen on reality TV shows
Yes to choosing friends who do not use drugs
Yes to being a positive role model for others
Yes to finding activities you can enjoy without drugs