It means “I want you” but it can mean “I love you” too.
¿Dónde guardas los papeles?
Where do you store the papers?
The options are as follows.
· la carpeta
- "the folder" or "the file"
· la hoja de papel
- "the sheet of paper"
· el libro
- "the book"
· la calculadora - "the calculator"
One does not store papers in sheets of paper, books (not usually, anyway), or in a calculator, thus the correct answer is in a file or folder.
la carpeta
A. Cierto
Mr. Bandero says "Jose Luis es muy talentoso y simpático... como yo!"
Translation: "Jose Luis is very talented and nice... like me!"
Verbs ending in -ir that undergo stem changes in the present tense also under go stem changes in the preterite. These verbs have a stem change in the second person formal singular (usted), third person singular (él, ella) and third and second person plural (ellos, ellas and ustedes) forms.