Replace /* Your code goes here */ with
for(i =0; i<NUM_VALS; i++)
printf("%d", origList[i]*offsetAmount[i]);
The first line is an iteration statement iterates from 0 till the last element in origList and offsetAmount
for(i =0; i<NUM_VALS; i++)
This line calculates and print the product of element in origList and its corresponding element in offsetAmount
printf("%d", origList[i]*offsetAmount[i]);
This line prints a semicolon after the product has been calculated and printed
Iteration ends here
Answered below
Some variable naming conventions include;
1) Variable should begin with either a letter or an underscore.
2) Variables having multiple words should have the first letter of every word after the first word, capitalized. This is the camelCase style.
3) variables should not be named after any of the inbuilt keywords except on special operations to override the original function of such keyword.
4) variable names are case-sensitive.
The importance of following these conventions is to maintain readability and consistency of code. Failure to follow these conventions may lead to chaotic codes, bugs and inefficient performance.
1) is to stretch or do some workouts
2) is to read
3) is to play outside for an hour
4) is to do gardening
5) is rest
Robots can be used in fabrics where they now use them to help do the work faster and do somethings that humans cant do.