With their large mandibles and hard shiny bodies, stag beetles look like majestic warriors dressed in armor. Like a samurai, the stag beetle also likes to fight. Their large mandibles, equipped with sharp teeth, are their weapons
Density is an intensive property. This means that regardless of the object's shape, size, or quantity, the density of that substance will always be the same. ... It is because density in an intensive property of matter. So they are not considered properties.
An example of inertia could be when you are in a car and it stops. You know how your body suddenly jumps forward? That's inertia. Inertia is the tendency of a body to resist a change in motion or rest. In the same way, you jump backward when the car starts moving forward. So if you tried to play soccer or baseball without inertia, it would be difficult to score a goal or home run as the ball would try to resist changing direction.
The vessels draining Myocardium of the heart join to form <u>Coronary Sinus </u> that ultimately opens into <u><em>THE RIGHT ATRIUM.</em></u>
The heart muscles are called as Myocardium. Circulation of myocardium is known as Coronary Circulation. The heart needs to work continuously and requires an uninterrupted supply of blood.
<u>Coronary Arteries</u> supply oxygen rich blood to the myocardium and <u>Coronary Veins</u> remove deoxygenated blood from heart muscles and join to form Coronary Sinus that ultimately drains into the Right Atrium of heart. Some veins from the myocardium also drains directly into the right atrium.