Substance abuse refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs.
Though they sound like strange birds, these singers
don't have feathers or wings.
The artist painted a green and fertile landscape.
I'll give you a couple of ideas!
1. Problem: You are a detective trying to solve a case that has been cold for years. You have eliminated all but two suspects. Which one is the right one?
Solution: You decide to look carefully at the evidence and *gasp* one piece of evidence leads you to the right one!
2. Problem: You are a mage about to partake in a quest against a terrible group of goblins with your party. If only you can find your darn wizarding staff!
Solution: After hours of searching, you realize that it was in your hand the whole time.
I don't know if you prefer any of these topics, and I would be happy to give you more prompts!