Answer and Explanation:
Jacob Mchangama and Guglielmo Verdirame, in their article “The Danger of Human Rights Proliferation,” defend liberty by the motto of “less are more.”
We are asserting more and more rights without checking out the implementation of previous rights. Asserting more rights and convincing the states to add them in treaties would not lead to more excellent protection of human rights.
The proliferation of rights is more harmful to humans because human rights are not protected fully as we are expanding the number of rights in treaties.
They argued that: “If human rights were a currency, its value would be free fall……..this currency is buy cover for dictatorships ”
Rights of human language have been used to restrict rights. Freedom of religion and expression was a foundation of human rights, but states also restricted those rights in the name of human rights.
To sum up, the proliferation of human rights does not ensure that the rights of humans are being secured. States are not always concerned directly with the welfare of humans but to restrict those rights more. So the proliferation of rights is not fruitful but a dangerous thing.