The Beggar was written by Anton Chekhov which is the story of a poor alcoholic beggar named Lushkoff who used to beg on roads as he was unable to find work. He resorted to begging in order to survive himself. One day, he met Sergie, a wealthy advocate and asked him for some work.
In <em>The Case of the Defaced Painting</em>, we immediately encounter details that can help us solve the mystery. Part 1 of the story contains several clues. We learn that there is paint on the floor and on the chair that is close to the painting. We also learn that Mrs. Williams seems to be angry about the fact that her husband cares about the paintings so much. Finally, we also learn that Mrs. William is not wearing her wedding ring.
Clarissa Dalloway, an upper-class, fifty-two-year-old woman married to a politician, decides to buy flowers herself for the party she is hosting that evening instead of sending a servant to buy them.