When CO2 is breathed into the lungs, it dissolves in the water there, diffuses across the alveolar-capillary membrane, and enters the bloodstream. As it combines with water, it forms carbonic acid, making the blood acidic. So CO2 in the bloodstream lowers the blood pH.
Salt is a solid by itself. With water, it forms a liquid.
The phase during which sister chromatids aggregate along the equator of the cell is called the metaphase.
The image shows the process of cell division through mitosis. The mother cell divides into two genetically identical daughter cells in mitosis. There are four main phases in the mitosis process. They are: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. In the metaphase, the highly condensed sister chromatids line up along the equator of the cell by binding to the microtubles that form the skeleton of the cell. These kinetochores line up the chromatids at the equator to initiate their separation.
Answer: food and drug administration
Whereas both bacteria and archaea lack a nuclear envelope and membrane-bound organelles, archaea and eukaryotes have similarities beyond those seen between bacteria and eukaryotic cells. Bacteria have the macromolecule peptidoglycan in their cell walls; archaea and eukarya lack this polymer.