Well the result shown in C19 will show the sum of all cells from C5 to C18:
ie: C5 + C6+ C7+ C8+ C9+ C10+ C11+ C12+ C13+ C14+ C15+ C16+ C17+ C18
numbers = '14 36 31 -2 11 -6'
nums = numbers.split(' ')
for i in range(0, len(nums)):
nums[i] = int(nums[i])
<span>A pointing device controls the movement of the </span>Mouse Pointer
a fundamental domain or fundamental region is a subset of the space which contains exactly one point from each of these orbits . It serves as a geometric realisation for the abstract set of representatives of the orbits . There are many ways to choose a fundamental domain .
hope this help
MS-DOS. MS-DOS stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System. It was the first widely installed operating system for personal computers but became obsolete with the arrival of more advanced graphical user interfaces such as MAC OS developed by Apple, Inc.
Good Luck!