Shortcuts & Formatting Tricks
Mail Merge
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Track Changes
Using Synonyms
Presenting Tabular data
Managing Header & Footer
Adding Pictures at right position
Automating tasks through Macros
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a) Personal communication devices are used in healthcare for sending e-mails or messages to healthcare members.
b) They use these devices for calculations.
c)They can access work related medical information by using mobiles.
2) Personal communication devices use at work has positive effect on their work including reducing stress, benefiting patients care improving coordination of patient care among the healthcare team or increases unit team work.
Spambots send thousands of messages world wide once they get your information things like email and such and send out unsolicited things out constantly. Brainliest??
If a firm puts servers that are internet facing directly on the internet then the servers are exposed to external attacks and these attacks can be from anywhere in the world.
The server becomes vulnerable or unsafe and attackers can attack and can manipulate or tamper the server code from anywhere in the world.