The answer is: nothing
The answer to this riddle is "nothing." Nothing is greater than God, and nothing is more evil than the devil. The poor have nothing, while the rich need nothing. Finally, if you eat nothing, you will die.
Split Voter ship and Checks and balances
The two major parts of America's political system is firstly, the fact that we have a two party system, that being democrat and republican because without this system many decisions in the United States would be made a lot easier and faster. Secondly the fact that each branch of our government can check and decide if the other is becoming too powerful and thus restrict them is someone that is very special for the United States almost alone.
Answer: Assignment
Law of Assignment is the law governing the transfer of property rights or title from one person or organisation to another. It's requires the agreement of both parties and it is usually put into writing and and signed. For example, the owner of a trademark may decide to transfer or sell it out to another person or organisation if both parties can reach an agreement.
reducing sales fluctuation