D. Preposition
Preposition is used in a sentence to join nouns, pronouns, or phrases to a verb or an adjective.
The word Preposition is derived from Latin verb praeponere, prae meaning "before", and ponere "to place". So, basically preposition means to place (a word) before a noun or pronoun to show the relationship of the word with the next word.
Further Explanation:
1. Can end a sentence with a preposition:
The rule of never ending a sentence with preposition was basically founded in Latin grammar.
So, if a sentence does make sense and not create a confusion, preposition at the end of the sentence can be used.
2. Use objective case properly:
This means that when you are using words like I, We, she, They, it is changed to me, us, her and them.
Example: This gift is from my wife and I(is wrong).
This gift is from me and my wife (is right).
Learn More:
Learn more about preposition:; answer by Agustinarivas
Learn more about prepositional phrase : ; answer by Dispyskirden
preposition, prepositional phrase, types of preposition.