The goal of NAFTA was to eliminate barriers to trade and investment between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The implementation of NAFTA on January 1, 1994, brought the immediate elimination of tariffs on more than one-half of Mexico's exports to the U.S. and more than one-third of U.S. exports to Mexico.
Each body paragraph should focus on an individual topic, but the conclusion paragraph reviews all the evidence from the body paragraphs. A historical essay addresses a specific case or issue on a historical issue, must have the order in which the events occurred to be organized and consistent.
The Athenian boys were taught to read, write and quote portions of literary works. They also taught singing and playing and trained as athletes or trained as warriors. They did not acquire this education to qualify for a job but to earn the right to be full citizens.
Athenian girls were taught to read, write and the simple account needed to run a household. After their childhood, they almost never received additional education.
Boys from wealthy families who went to private schools were taken care of by pedagogues - paidagogos, domestic slaves who were selected specifically for this purpose and accompanied by these boys. Classes were held in teachers' homes where the boys were taught the above subjects. From the age of twelve, the boys practiced wrestling, running and discus throwing and javelin throwing. And the Athenians are older boys taught by more sophisticated disciplines such as culture, science, music and art. Education ended at 18 years followed by military training for 1-2 years.
The reasons that the Prime Minister gives for making large appropriations to the military are to defense against threats (as with a largest military spending more and better military equipement would be obtained), protection of resources (due to the fact that military custody of the natural resources work as a deterrent for further invasions), and for the maintenance of independence (since it is the military who responds in case of an external aggression).
Vernon Bartlett points out that British forces are unprepared for the war that may soon happen. On the other hand, the Czechoslovakia army force was prepared enough to serve and defend their country in the expected war.