The European colonization of America began with the Vikings, who, as the first known Europeans, came into contact with America and established several colonies.
In 1492, Christopher Columbus reached America, after which European exploration and colonization gained momentum. The first conquests were made by Spain, which quickly conquered most of South and Central America and much of North America. Portugal took Brazil. Britain, France and the Netherlands conquered islands in the Caribbean, many of which had already been conquered by Spain or had been affected by disease. Early European colonies in North America included Spanish Florida, the British settlements in Virginia and New England, French settlements in Quebec and Louisiana, and Dutch settlements in New Netherlands.
The Whig theory, put into place after the Glorious Revolution, put a premium on the idea of civic virtue, placing the public good above personal interest. To promote such virtue, one needed a society in which property ownership was widespread. An agricultural nation, where farming was thought to encourage honesty, frugality, and independence, was less likely to become corrupt than a society dependent on commerce and manufacturing. In an agrarian society, politics would be less fractious because everyone's interest would be similar. In such a society representatives would be less fractious because everyone's interest would be similar. In such a society representatives would be equally affected by whatever laws they passed. This would prevent them from tyrannizing over the people by passing oppressive laws.
<span>The Whig view of politics was not democratic. It assumed that only men who owned property had a sufficient permanent stake in society to be trusted to vote.</span>
Yes, I believe it is important for average Americans to have an accurate understanding of American history in order to understand our hectic present today.
The importance of this study is that the future of our nation is at stake. Knowledge of a nation's history by its citizens is essential to preserving all democratic societies. Americans need to understand the past in order to make sense of a chaotic present and an inchoate future.
a building or wing that is accessible from a main building
plz done get mad if im wrong
The best definition of profit is a financial gain or advantage