<span>Q: Did John Wilkes Booth plan his escape carefully? Why did he encounter so many mishaps?
A: No, John Wilkes Booth did not plan his escape carefully. He encountered so many mishaps because he was driven by pure anger and emotion. Although he wanted to assassinate Abraham Lincoln for so long and bring other conspirators into his plan, he went through many problems with his escape and eventually died in the end by being tracked down.
The son of an American Civil War hero, MacArthur served as chief U.S. military adviser to the Philippines before World War II.
Answer: A television station airs a speech by a candidate for an elected position.
(Television is a type of media, I hope this helps) :)
Answer: The purpose of the pact was to open the way for both nations to invade Poland. Hitler wanted a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union so that his armies could invade Poland virtually unopposed by a major power, after which Germany could deal with the forces of France and Britain in the west without having to simultaneously fight the Soviet Union on a second front in the east.