Pork barrel is unnecessary, a project of congressman for their own districts. It is the politicians - senators and their constituents benefited the pork barrel. They include unconnected expenses into bills which are then passed at a higher cost to the people. These projects help them support their voter by feeding money from other projects back into their own district.
China’s greater involvement with world grain trade; through greater reliance on grain imports, China will pay less for grain than it would adhering to strict self-sufficiency. Despite potentially mutual benefits, however, the successful transition of China’s grain policy will be impossible without a favorable environment at both internal and external levels. China’s movement toward trade liberalization is confronted with China’s concerns over its food security, possible farmer unemployment, and international payments. To aid China in overcoming many difficulties, measures taken by the international community will be crucial to encourage a smooth transition in China’s grain trade policy.
If it weren't for them, we would not have any tools to use.
The section of the Constitution which introduces the document and its purpose is known as the "<span>A. Preamble," since this section focuses the readers attention on what comes next. </span>