awnser is A growth, repair.
Hydration, medications taken, infection
To look at the stars in the sky, your head is in the backward position.
To look at the stars in the sky it is necessary for the individual to project his face upwards, throwing his head completely backwards. This movement promotes the extension of the cervical spine, which allows the occipital approach to the C7 vertebra. This allows us to call the position of the head "backward", since to look upwards, the head needs to assume this position.
practical solutions to prevent any harm caused by the infections to the patients and the health care workers.
The infection prevention and control (IPC) program is a program whose main responsibility is to protect the patient, the health care workers and the family of the patient form any harm that can be caused by the infections. It helps to reduce any transmission of the health care associated infections.
This program provides a practical solution which are designed to prevent the harm that can be caused by infections to the health care personnel as well as the patients.