More people practice Sikhism, Buddhism, and Hinduism than you would think by looking at a map of world religions.
If we look at the map that presents regions that practice a certain religion, we will only see countries and areas that consist of people who majorly practice a certain religion.<u> These maps do not show the concentration of the population in the countries and do not show us the number of believers. </u>
We might believe there is a much larger Christian population because some very large countries such as Russia, Canada, and the US are all majorly Christian.
However, <u>these countries are not as densely populated as some of the Asian countries, such as India, China, and Japan.</u>
<u>Because of the population density, there are actually many more people who practice major religions of Asia, including Sikhism, Buddhism, and Hinduism than we think</u>. Map of religions won’t show us the number of believers, but if <u>we look at the concentration of people and population instead of geographical area, we will get the true numbers of believers.</u>
This number would greatly increase, as there are many nations that don't have their own their own country. Some are part of a bigger country (the Tamils in India) and some are distributed among many countries (the Kurds)
Recognizing all those nations could increase some conflicts, such as that between the Kurds and Turkish in Turkey.
I think that a good definition should acknowledge that some nations have independent states and some are part of another state - the defining characteristics should be a sense of unity among the nation.
Rule of law and and respect of rights basically equal rights for all humans
Joanne is most likely paranoid, based on the information they provide us with.
She is always suspicious of her husband, Tom, of doing things that he swears he hasn't. She doesn't trust almost anyone around her, and that might be part of the reason why she quit her job.