A: The stomach is actually J shaped and resembled early wine pouches.
Option). 4-5 days.
Morula is a 4-5 days stage of early embryonic development. It represents a solid ball, having 16 cells, known as blastomeres. In human embryo, differentiation begins with morula stage, along with cleavage to form trophoblast (an outer layers of cell) and inner cell mass.
During development, trophoblast forms embryonic part of placenta and inner cell mass form respective structures of embryo.
Thus, the correct answer is option).4-5 days.
As the board continues along the surface, friction in the wheels causes the board to lose energy, which causes the board to slow down and come to a stop.
artificial selection
Artificial selection is done either by inbreeding or cross breeding. Inbreeding is the crossing of genetically closely related individuals and is useful for retaining desirable qualities. Hybrids are formed from artificial selection. Hybridization results when varieties of organisms with different characteristics are crossed. The resulting offspring often show characteristics which are superior to either of the parents and are said to possess hybrid vigour.