Greeks made statues with perfect looking bodies & Romans made them more realistic.
Answer: They had to face severe economic problems.
Explanation: We can mention a great amount of troubles caused by the Great Depression, however, all of them might be summarized as economic problems.
After the beginning of the Great Depression Americans lost their savings because half of the banks collapsed. Some of them also lost their jobs and even their houses. It represented one of the most difficult periods that American people had to go through.
I can define philosophy in these ways;
- it is seen as the study of the basic ideas about knowledge, right and wrong, reasoning, and the value of things.
- it is a specific set of ideas of a person or a group Greek philosophy.
- it is a set of ideas about how to do something or how to live Live and let live.
- it can also be seen as the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline
The first country mentioned here is Nicaragua where both The United States sought to counter Soviet support of Sandinista rebels and <span>The United States backed armed revolutionaries known as the Contras apply. Both the Sandinistas and the Contras fought in Nicaragua for power and the US supported the Contras during Reagan's presidency which was a huge scandal
Another country mentioned is the Dominican Republic which was occupied by the United States early in the twentieth century. The United States interfered after a local Dominican politician took power. The occupation lasted from 1916 until 1924 when politicians from the US started fighting for the end of the occupation
The third country mentioned here is Chile because it is the country where </span>The United States supported a military coup to overthrow a socialist leader and <span>The United States backed Augusto Pinochet, who became cruel leader. The president of Chile was Salvador Allende who was the first marxist to win in an election in the Latin America, which was disliked by the US who supported Pinochet whose army managed to take power through a coup.</span>
celebration of Native American History Month, we have just added 428 Native American documents containing constitutions, charters, and acts from the years 1830 to 1960 to The collection contains two types of material: constitutions from the 1800s produced by the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Creek; and constitutions and charters drafted after the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. The latter includes laws produced by the Office of Indian Affairs of the United States Department of the Interior. These materials are divided by region based on the new KI class designations: Arctic-Alaska, US-Northeast Atlantic, US-North Central, US-New Southwest, US-Pacific Northwest, and US-South.