art communicates religious beliefs, customs, and values through iconography and depictions of the human body. The foundational principle for the interconnections between art and religion is the reciprocity between image making and meaning making as creative correspondence of humanity with divinity.
Meso-America and the Andes were the two habitats of progress in America.
Meso-American human advancements had paper and a pictorial content from a beginning phase.
In Meso-America the Maya human advancement gained the best ground in science and innovation. Among its advancements were the position-esteem number framework with nothing, the improvement of the most exact known calendar,the development of elastic and the corbelled curve.
The Aztec entered the locale as hero travelers and absorbed a large part of the current human advancements. They set up a government funded educational system and proceeded with the Maya convention of galactic perception.
In the Andean locale the Inca set up a domain that came to from Ecuador to Santiago de Chile.
The strength of the Inca domain was thoughtful designing (street and scaffold development), social administration and plant development.
The locale of the South Pacific isn't helpful for the improvement of civic establishments. Science in the South Pacific was confined to route across the high oceans, in which the islanders dominated.
Showing nationalism of China’s military actions. Resulting in violent protests and many deaths in Tiananmen