Nitrogen is important because, it helps us grow crops, and it produces grass for animal. It comes from lightning and is named nitrogen fixation
By which free nitrogen (N2) is extracted from the atmosphere and converted (fixed) into nitrogen compounds which are plant nutrients (fertilizer). In nature, this process is carried out by certain bacteria (present in the root nodules of legumes such as beans and peas), blue-green algae, and the lightning flash.
Thus the Nitrogen form the atmosphere the biotic part to the ecosystem converted into the biotic part.
Answer and Explanation:
The lymph node are the sites for the formation of lymphocytes and monocytes. These are concerned with antibody formation and phagocytosis of foreign materials respectively. In the lymph nodes, bacteria and other harmful materials are removed from lymph.
Okay. The destruction of tundra vegetation will not really freeze the soil or deepen the active zone much. Therefore, A and C are eliminated. The destruction of the vegetation can actually melt permafrost, which contributes to global warming. The answer is D.
Leaders should employ all available active and passive surveillance measures to
identify Soldiers who may be engaging in high-risk behavior and to <span> identify Soldiers who may be at risk based on behavior and stress indicators.
</span><span>The unit commander is the critical agent for injury prevention and is responsible for establishing interventions and monitoring their effect and he/she is responsible for this.</span>
Water is the most abundant molecule in the Earth’s atmosphere is false.