A because allows you to scrutinise every part of the image before judging it
In broad terms, the writing process has three main parts: pre-writing, composing, and post-writing. These three parts can be further divided into 5 steps: (1) Planning; (2) Gathering/Organizing; (3) Composing/Drafting; (4) Revising/editing; and (5) Pro ofreading.
The letter E
The letter E is first in <u>e</u>arth
The letter E is second in h<u>e</u>aven
The letter E appears twice in w<u>ee</u>k
The letter E appears once in y<u>e</u>ar
The letter E is in the middle of S and A in s<u>e</u>a.
In 1492, he sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain in the Santa Maria