The green and the orange one
The byzantine empire lost Rome. Rome was claimed by the byzantines in the 6th century and in the 6th century was given to the papacy as the major seat and capitol of the papal state
The soil orders found in the Midwest are: Alfisols (al-fuh-sawls): Alfisols are widely distributed throughout the Midwest but are less prominent in the western portion. Entisols (en-ti-sawls): Entisols are most concentrated in the Central Sands of Wisconsin and the Loess Hills of western Iowa.
You should really think about your Life. Why am i failing ? who fails gym ? take time. No, you already tried that. Well I can still help ! Take time to study ! No really you tried that to ! Well i can still help, you need time off, take take to go out with your frds play games ! Bet you did not try that if you did ! I CAN STILL HELP ! Talke you a teacher thats also your frd and really make sure that understand you !