Negative environmental impacts from unsustainable farming practices include: Land conversion & habitat loss. Wasteful water consumption. Soil erosion and degradation.
In Puerto Rico it was useful, in Cuba not so much. Cubans perceived the outcome as occupation and didn't want to have United States occupation in their country. Puerto-Ricans had a form of a civilian government with independence and Puerto-rican citizenship but the country belonged to US.
Border ruffians contributed to the "bleeding Kansas" problem by actively terrorizing citizens of the free state. The Border ruffians came from the slave state of Missouri and in an attempt to change attitudes through force, they would actively terrorize opponents to their pro-slavery stance. The "bleeding Kansas" problem occurred as is was decided around the time of 1950 that the settlers themselves would choose whether Kansas was a free or slave state. This resulted in a flood of people from both sides rushing to settle Kansas in order to gain another state that aligned with their particular values. The period lasted until about 1959-60 and animosity persisted through the civil war.
The correct answer is the <span>"pro-life, pro-family" coalition
This was the coalition organized by </span><span>Phyllis Schlafly who was notorious for her campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment and her support of family life and her fight against things like abortions. She did manage to win in the end since the Equal Rights Amendment never got ratified and was forgotten since it didn't get passed in the adequate amount of time.</span>
The Plague of Fear
The McCarthy's Communist hunts were part of the period called the Red Scare this was a time of prejudice and fear among the people of the United States of America saying the Communism was going to sweep the nation taking away their freedom and Democracy. McCarthy's hunts were done to "help make sure that communism is dealt with". McCarthy at the time held great power being in the Senate and held many unconstitutional trails to suspected Communist supporters/ spies for the "Communist Nation"/ Russia. And now we know that these acts we unjustified. Right after 9/11 we now come to repeat these actions acting on fear instead of justice. The Patriot Act, enacted after 9/11 allowed US agencies to search homes and initiate investigations without a warrant similar to the trials and investigations held during the Red Scare. After 9/11 we targeted and blamed Al-Qaeda and therefore initiated the War on Terrorism and invaded Afghanistan, but not to put down the organization that struck the United States instead they attack the Taliban. This war would continue even to this day fighting multiple organizations throughout the Middle East. This also became soon a fight less about 9/11 and more about fossil fuels and even today the US uses this as an excuse to continue and fight this war. So in the end America ends up only hurting itself in these situations violating our rights to protect our rights. The only real difference between these eras is the fact that we didn't use guns and bombs to get our way in the Red Scare that's why it's called a Cold War.