3 should go after 4
"We had some trouble the next evening trying to take the heavy garbage can to the curb. The can did not have wheels, so we had to drag it behind us. On the first night, my brother and I watered their flowers using a garden hose"
Grammar errors DO create confusion and will detract from the message the author is trying to provide (unless the errors are intentional and are meant to contribute to the meaning of the written work in very rare cases).
Hope this helps! :)
Sometimes the narrator has an opinion on things and takes sides. But if most people agree on a choice, the narrator usually agrees too. For example, in a fairy tale, snow white fell asleep and most people wanted snow to wake up. (The dwarves) But only the evil queen and her servants wanted her to die. SO if the narrator said
"Snow white was so dramatic and sad and she was so useless. The evil queen on the other hand, deserves to win and she is amazing."
People wouldn't want to read it because the opinion is not very popular.
Toward the end of the sermon, Edwads says that those people who have committed a lot of sins and who have not been born again, have to obtain salvation for them to escape from God's wrath. He says that for as long as his listeners have not died yet, they are in the land of the living and in the house of God. Therefore, they have an opportunity to obtain salvation.<span> </span>