This is due to light from above heuristic.
In light from above heuristic, they we perceive spheres and indention are altered. Our eyes are so much used to of sunlight, that we assume that the light is coming from above and creating a presumption that light on the bottom creates an indention.
This is why Jimmy perceived bumps originally when he looked the picture of the side of the submarine but later when he turned the picture upside down, what he originally perceived as bumps, now look like dents,
i dont know what to say but bye dude
Not enough information is given but my mom is in the medical feild and she says that a condition common with age is presbyopia. It causes the leanses in your eye to become less flexable and less able to thicken therefore less able to focus on near by objects. Another is catteracts which I assume you already know about so I will not explain.
Genetic disorders are not Diseases