r Episode 3 Created Equal Constitution USA: Episode 3 - Created Equal1. If you want to become a citizen of the United States, what do you have to do?2. Akhil Amar believes that the 14th Amendment does what for our country?3. Who brought about the 14th Amendment? What was its goal and when was it established?4. Who did not gain rights they were fighting for via the 14th Amendment?5. What exactly is Proposition 8? And what does it amend?6. Do you agree with Chris’s statement that the majority should not have the ability to make decisions about another group’s right simply because there are more of them?7. A. What does the equal protection clause in the Constitution say?B. In Loving V. Virginia in 1967, what did the court base their ruling on?A.B.8. What was the purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment and exactly what does it mean? Explanation: