A 512 GB Solid State Drive (SSD) will be recommended
Recommended hard disk for the installation of Microsoft PowerPoint application is 3 GB and since the computer is a new one it will be best to buy a hard disc with enough room for expansion, performance speed, durability and reliability
Therefore, a 512 GB Solid State Drive (SSD) is recommended as the price difference is small compared to the spinning hard drive and also there is ample space to store PowerPoint training presentation items locally.
Predicate methods typically test a condition and do not modify the object on which they're called.
The threats as well as the risk and vulnerabilities are present with the WLAN. The WLAN would encounter security issues with the range of the signal which is wireless, SSID broadcasting, password security and the packet sniffing or the capturing of signal.
The Zoom slider will allow users to change the way the document appears on the screen