short_names = ["Gus", "Bob", "Ann"]
There are some typos in your code. In addition to the missing part of the code, I corrected the typos.
First of all, initialize the list called short_names. The list starts with "[" and ends with "]". Between those, there are must be the names (Since each name is a string, they must be written between "" and there must be a semicolon between each name)
Then, you can print each name by writing the name of the list and the index of the names between brackets (Index implies the position of the element and it starts with 0)
So, you can be able to make a prediction and understand the cycle.
Dynamic IP address configuration.
In information technology, there are two ways of configuring IP address on a computer system, namely static and dynamic configuration.
In the computer system, the IP address is configured by selecting the static radio button and typing in the IP address, subnet mask and default IP address. The dynamic IP address configuration requires a selected radio button indicating DHCP configuration and a DHCP server.
The DHCP server holds a range of IP addresses that is used assign IP addresses automatically to a client system.
The answer to this is Template
That should be in Level 2 heading, Green in color and Times New Roman. 2. Title: ‘My Webpage’. 3. Body: Background color is Pink. 4. Create a paragraph like this. That is center aligned and blue in color. “Hi Friends !!!!! Here you can see my image”. 5. Create an image here: That must be center aligned. 6. Create a line break here. 7. Create a horizontal