use desmos online. itll graph it for you.
Step-by-step explanation:
Hello from MrBillDoesMath!
No. That problem cited is one of 3 great unsolved problems of antiquity. See for details.
P.S. I'll be on vacation from Friday, Dec 22 to Jan 2, 2019. Have a Great New Year!
Difference=subtract sum=add. just answering so you don't waste points :-)
3 because it is a better Dona a toon
Answer: Well... does it give you the approximate length or actual length of the butterfly? If so, you would take that length and multiply it by 5. That would give you the length of the 5 butterfly lined up together.
If it does not give you the approximate length or actual length, look up the length on google. (Google Answer- Size: 2.5" - 4.0" range.)
Take that and multiply it by five to get the length of the 5 butterflies.