Estar expuesto o consumir agua contaminadas por desechos industriales o municipales puede causar:
- Problemas gastrointestinales.
La exposición y consumo de aguas contaminadas puede traer diversos problemas. Estas aguas pueden tener virus y bacterias que causan enfermedades tales como gastroenteritis, la cual causa dolor intestinal y vómitos; poliomielitis, la cual daña los músculos y puede terminar en la muerte; hepatitis, virus que afecta el hígado; entre otras enfermedades. Además de la presencia de virus y bacterias que representan una amenaza para nuestra salud, también hay desechos industriales y elementos tales como el arsénico que causan daño en el sistema nervioso, renal, respiratorio, en nuestro corazón y la piel.
Debido a los diversos daños que representan las aguas contaminadas es importante cuidarla y estar siempre en contacto con aguas tratadas o limpias.
One hears epic accounts of people surviving bullets to the brain, 10-story freefalls or months stranded at sea. But put a human anywhere in the known universe except for the thin shell of space that extends a couple of miles above or below sea level on Earth, and we perish within minutes. As strong and resilient as the human body seems in some situations, considered in the context of the cosmos as a whole, it's unnervingly fragile
Answer: On a cool October morning you dressed warmly for a 10K race sponsored by a local charity, and about half way through the race you realize that you have stopped sweating in all the warm running clothes you put on and are beginning to feel faint and slightly disoriented. The most likely reason of his symptoms are that <em><u>you are suffering a dehydration followed by possible hypothermia.</u></em>
If you <u>run dehydrated</u>, your <em>heart system</em> will be struggling in poor conditions, so it will be overexposed and your heart rate will rise considerably. On the other hand, <em>the body will not be as efficient in regulating body temperature.</em>
Your <u>muscles and your brain </u>as well as the entire <u>nervous system </u>will not respond the same and will be demanded in conditions not suitable for your effort, therefore, the response time will fall, you may suffer cramps, headache, dizziness and even muscle spasms . If the effort is more than two hours long, you probably need more than water and you should try <u>sports drinks </u>also.
When running at <em>low temperatures</em>, a relevant factor is <em>clothing.</em> If we are not <u>properly dressed to run</u> in cold and windy conditions, we will naturally be more exposed to suffer from <em>hypothermia.</em> The manifestations of hypothermia are varied and include pain and tingling in the hands and feet, tremors or chills, decreased physical capacity and, in more extreme cases, alterations of consciousness.
A person who is suffering from hypothermia should wrap in dry clothes and get out of exposure to cold or wind , hydrating with warm liquids can also be useful.
they are nursed by their mothers