Wrongful life
Wrongful life is the term used for the claim initiated by the parent based on the harm or injury brought upon a child at birth either due to negligence of the health caregiver or health facilities
Oh this one is so cool!
It basically all boils down to Vitamin D! We need this essential vitamin to help our body build hormones and regulate calcium. Our bodies make Vitamin D when we are exposed to the UV rays found in sunlight. But as we all know, too much sunlight isn’t good because these UV rays can harm us. Melanin (the chemical that our bodies produce to darken skin tone and hair color) provides protection from UV rays by absorbing them. However, this means that the more melanin that is produced by someone’s body results in less absorption of UV rays and a decrease in Vitamin D production. But for someone living around the equator or in the tropics that doesn’t matter because there’s lots of sun all the time. So for humans living in these areas where there’s lots of sunlight year round, it’s beneficial to have darker skin to protect from the harm of UV rays. People living in these areas still get plenty of Vitamin D though because of that year round sunshine.
Now what about those who’s skin has less melanin, such as those found in the higher latitudes? Well with less sunlight year round, their bodies had to adapt to be able to get enough Vitamin D. So less melanin is produced by the body in order to absorb the lesser amounts of UV rays to make Vitamin D. Lighter skin is, therefore, more beneficial the farther away you go from the tropics.
So essentially:
Pro of Darker Skin tones
-Protection from harmful UV rays
Con of Darker Skin tones
-Less absorption of UV rays and less production of Vitamin D
Pro of Lighter Skin tones
-Greater absorption of UV rays and more Vitamin D production
Con of Lighter Skin tones
-Less protection from harmful UV rays (resulting in sunburns and, in extreme cases, skin cancer)
This is of course the biology answer. The social impacts of different skin tones is a whole different story that you can ask in the history section.
Green decade theory helps explain why coverage of ecology issues after the first earth day in 1970 sparked an increase in public concern about the environment.
The concept of green growth is concentrated to assume with economic growth and development can continue while combined with the negative impacts on the environment which include climate change are getting reduced while the natural environment continues to provide services concerned with ecosystem means to decouple.
The critical theory tradition contains the Green theory which makes sense that environmental issues arising out of questions about concerns among ourselves and others in the perspective of community and collective type of decision-making.
Green Growth results in the fostering of economic growth and development conditions while ensuring that the natural assets continue to provide the aspects of productive resources and environmental services where our well-being was settled up.
Learn to know more about the environmental advantages of building green on