the answer to this question is choice D
The main aspect used to differ coniferous tree are their leaves. Coniferous leaves look like elongated needles, instead of the regular flatend out leaves we're used to
Further characteristics:
Seeds are hard and grow in large groups, stuck to eachother.
Coniferous are evergreen trees (don't shed leaves nor change the colour of these, although this rule does not apply to all of them).
They have spread worldwide.
Can withstand low temperaurees and can be found even in places like the Artic circle.
I've pasted some images down below that might help you a lot. (Left - leaves; Right - coniferous trees).
Hope it helped,
Happy homework/ study/ exam!
Normally there are 4000 to 11000 WBCs in a microliter of blood averaging almost 7500. While there are 150,000 to 350,000 platelets in a microliter blood of a normal person averaging almost 250,000. Thus the ratio can be as 250,000 :7500 resulting in 33.3. If a range is to be given, it ranges from 31.8 to 37.5 per microliter of blood.
Question 1=To make sure your body can work correctly, even when it does many things at once,
Question 2= It helps your blood flow while you are eating it also helps digest and when in danger it also helps send signals to your brain.