There are 6 octects ( 8 bit numbers ) in a MAC address, so there's 256^6 possible addresses.
IPv6 Is a later version of IP addresses, used to solve the problem of the limited number of IPv4 addresses in the network.
Just like IPv4, IPv6 can also is configured to a device statically and dynamically. Dynamic IPv6 configuration could be a stateless autoconfiguration SLAAC, a stateless DHCPV6 or a stateful DHCPV6.
The IPv6 address is configured with a prefix and a prefix length and a EUI generated 64 bit interface or a random interface id by the device.
Redundancy is the mechanism that occurs in database's data as the same data is stores in the multiple location.It creates repeated data by accident or for backup purpose.
The issues that arise due to the redundancy of the data is the storage space in database gets consumed and thus wastes the space in storing information in multiple locations.When any update occurs in the stored data's field value , it also has to be changed in the multiples occurrences.
Answer : RAM is used to store computer programs and data that CPU needs in real time. ROM have prerecorded data and it is used to boot computer.