<em>Working Together • Federal, state, and local governments work together to build roads. City governments cooperate on common interests. Serving the Public • Federal government gives grants-in-aid and block grants to state and local governments. State and local governments assure citizens' quality of life.</em>
<h3><em>Purpose: Local governments serve the purpose of making communities a better place to live. They do that by passing ordinances, or regulations that follow state laws.</em></h3><h3>
The California Gold Rush sparked a movement west, which only further ignited manifest destiny. People saw the opportunity to stake a claim of their own and truly pursue the "American Dream" out west. This new discovery and the abundance of wealth to be had further solidified support of Polk's decision to move westward.
The area referred to today as Southeast Asia was at one time
2)The Mongol Empire
Her patronages initially centered on children and youth but she later became known for her involvement with AIDS patients and campaign for the removal of landmines. She also raised awareness and advocated ways to help people affected with cancer and mental illness.
Of course you would actually add an expert to make more people interested!