At a time when trade and transport were made primarily by water, and bearing in mind that European powers needed to have free access to the rich colonies, and only by sea could they communicate with America and the colonies, the ocean and the seas were the higways of the past. Therefore, access and control of the sea routes, was the only way to have control over the colonies, their riches; and become the dominant power in the world. In addition, the wars between France and Great Britain were not only for trade or wealth, but for power itself, to decide who would dominate the seas.
because they can learn alot about things
Answer:Los socialistas de China, que constituyen una quinta parte de la población mundial, han podido convertirse en gobernantes de su propio país y cultura y disfrutar de amplios derechos democráticos, gracias a la democracia política socialista de China. Esta es una gran contribución al crecimiento de la cultura política de la humanidad. De acuerdo con las circunstancias nacionales, la democracia política socialista de China asegura que la gente esté completamente comprometida con su entusiasmo, iniciativa e innovación en la construcción y gestión del estado como gobernantes del país y la sociedad, y promueve la crecimiento económico y avance social de China de una manera integral. El PCCh y el pueblo chino son claramente conscientes de los muchos desafíos que aún deben resolverse, considerando los enormes éxitos obtenidos en la creación de una democracia política socialista. Las claves incluyen: el sistema político aún no es perfecto; el derecho de los ciudadanos a controlar los asuntos estatales y sociales, las empresas económicas y culturales aún no se han realizado plenamente como gobernantes de la nación en una economía de mercado socialista; las leyes que ya han sido aprobadas a menudo no se aplican o se hacen cumplir plenamente, y las infracciones de la ley a veces quedan impunes; en ciertos departamentos y localidades, la burocracia y la corrupción aún existen y se extienden; el sistema de restricción y regulación del uso de la energía debe mejorarse aún más;
China's socialist , who make up one-fifth of the world 's population, have been able tobecome rulers of their own country and culture and enjoy comprehensive democratic rights,thanks to China's socialist political democracy. This is a great contribution to the growth ofmankind's political culture.In keeping with national circumstances, China's socialist political democracy ensures thatpeople are completely engaged in their enthusiasm, initiative and innovation in building andmanaging the state as rulers of the country and society, and promotes the economic growth andsocial advancement of China in an all-round way. The CPC and the Chinese people are clearlyaware of the many challenges that are yet to be solved, considering the enormous successes madein creating a socialist political democracy. The key ones include: the political system is not yetperfect; the right of citizens to control state and social affairs, economic and culturalundertakings are not yet fully realized as rulers of the nation in a socialist market economy; lawsthat have already been passed are often not fully implemented or enforced, and breaches of thelaw are sometimes unpunished; in certain departments and localities, bureaucracy and corruptionstill exist and spread; the system of restraint and regulation over the use of power needs to befurther improved;