DES is a commonly used symmetric encryption
A) is a commonly used symmetric encryption
DES stands for Data Encryption Standard. It is a symmetric key algorithm and is used for encrypting electronic data. It was developed in 1975. DES is one of the oldest encryption standards to be used in the industry.
The algorithm takes 16 rounds of permutations in order to encrypt data. But now, with the advent of technology, as new algorithms have been designed and put in use, DES is less preferable.
In the process of key generation, some keys generated sometimes turn out to be weak and hence are prone to attacks. If not for the weak keys generation, DES works perfectly fine and is an effective algorithm to encrypt data.
Hello there!
The relationship between ionic bonds and cleavage is: As the ionic bond strength increases, cleavage will be more difficult.
Minerals are held together generally by ionic bonds. Ionic bonds are the result of electrostatic attraction and electron transfer between positive and negative ions (cations and anions). Ionic bonding implies the formation of ordered crystalline solids and the cleavage of those solids will depend on the strength of this bonding.
The recommended secure protocol for voice and video applications is the Secure<span> Real-time Transport </span>Protocol<span> (SRTP) protocol. SRTP is a Real-time Transport </span>Protocol (RTP) profile used to to provide encryption, message authentication and integrity.
The default cipher of SRTP is the Advanced Encryption Standard<span> (AES) .</span>
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ANot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner (;
System.out.println("How many cookies did you eat today");
int numOfCookies = in.nextInt();
double numCalories = (numOfCookies*300)/4;
System.out.println("The total number of calories you consumed in "+numOfCookies+" cookies is " +
" "+numCalories);
This code is implemented in Java.
- We know from the question that 4 cookies contain 300 calories
- Therefore number of calories consumed = (number of cookies eaten*300)/4
- To implement this in java we used the scanner class to prompt user for the input
- save the input to a variable and write mathematical expression for the number of calories consumed
- Then output the result