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Typically, the use of ellipses indicate that there is a small pause that the reader should take before reading more. usually ellipses are used for dramatic moments, to help build suspense, or sad moments in a story.
The theme of "The Black Ball" that depends on having a Modernist narrator is that it is not good to be behind the black ball (eight ball) in pool, and in life, African Americans needed to play a game like pool, just to stay out of trouble. The ball is white represents who had a nice life and had the power because whites had all the power, yet with the changing times, the ball’s color might change too, just like the discrimination because Caucasians and African Americans.
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At the end of "The Most Dangerous Game", Rainsford wins the game. Although the hunt was the initial challenge, when the two men come face to face in Zaroff's bedroom, he issues another challenge to Rainsford. This time, the winner gets to Zaroff's comfy bed, while the loser will be fed to Zaroff's hungry dogs.