The correct answer should be B. urban
The majority of them were positioned randomly in a field segregated from everything else. They were extremely lucrative and very self-sufficient considering that slave states had people working there for free.
Answer: C
imagine this as a movie. The way how the character is screaming run! it would make me be on edge.
In both of the blanks, the word 'the ' should work.
hope that this helps you! =)
The passage explains the uses and characteristics of gargoyles in great detail and even goes as far as to describe the impression that the gargoyles give when they are perched on the edge of a cathedral.
The most useful tool to aid comprehension would, therefore, be a drawing of a gargoyle with labels that identify the parts of the gargoyle mentioned in the passage. The addition of this visual aid would help connect the very complete description in the paragraph with the actual object.