Look at the explanation!
The Mercator map projection is a cylindrical map projection that was presented by Gerardus Mercator in 1569. Gerardus Mercator was a Flemish geographer and cartographer. It became the standard map projection for navigation because of it's cool one of a kind property of "representing any course of constant bearing as a straight segment."
A muskrat population is growing exponentially. What might cause this population to enter logistic growth?
Answer: One cause that might cause the population of this semi aquatic rodents to enter a logistic growth would be the elimination of predators from their environment and the increase of food. The reason being that they are rodents with an adaptable lifestyle and an omnivorous diet. With no predators they would quickly adapt to their environment and increase their birth rate.
I hope it helps, Regards.
Allopatric speciation occur due to various environmental factors with in the environment.
Speciation occur when two population become so genetically different and the can not interbred to produce fertile off spring. The allopatric speciation occur when population become sepret and diverge over time due to natural selection,genetic drift,and mutation.Genetic drift is the sudden loss of gene from a population which cause the population evolvation. Mutation is also change in the genetic makeup of an individual.Natural selection is the phenomena selected by nature and natural forces are involve to select the trait in a living organism.
In many regions, wetlands have been filled in so as to be able to use the land for farming. Wetlands are vital for reducing the intensity of floods, as they tend to hold back some of the water. Without wetlands, flood will tend to wash increased sediment and pollutants into the ocean, which can have a detrimental effect on marine life. Coastal developments can also have a negative effect on marine life. The removal or moving of beach sand is in particular damaging to intertidal organisms that depend on specific coastal environments, and rocky shores can be smothered by sand, whereas sand environments can change into bare rocky environments. Impounding of rivers and reduced river flow can result in estuaries becoming closed. Many marine organisms, such as fish, depend on estuaries as nursery areas where they lay their eggs. Reduced opening of estuaries means that many fish species cannot reproduce. Built harbours result in changed currents and alteration of the sea floor, which also disrupts marine ecosystems.