The British recognized american independence and handed over majority of its territory east of the Mississippi River which doubled the size of what new America was becoming
The person on the five dollar bill is Abraham Lincoln, best known as the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln was at the center of the Civil War from 1861 to 1865, in which 11 states separated from the United States to form the Confederate States of America, also known as the Confederacy. While it seemed like the Union would lose the war at first, Lincoln put his faith in generals that helped the Union win the war. Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address after the Battle of Gettysburg was won by the Union. Additionally, per the thirteenth amendment that Lincoln proposed, slavery was abolished in the Union. Lincoln therefore is significant in American history for freeing slaves and helping the union win the Civil War.
The four main objectives of U.S. foreign policy are the protection of the United States and its citizens and allies, the assurance of continuing access to international resources and markets, the preservation of a balance of power in the world, and the protection of human rights and democracy.
Actually, no less a student of the United States than Andrei Gromyko once remarked that Americans have "too many doctrines and concepts proclaimed at different times" and so are unable to pursue "a solid, coherent, and consistent policy." Only recall the precepts laid down in Washington's Farewell Address and Jefferson's inaugurals, the speeches of John Quincy Adams, the Monroe Doctrine with its Polk, Olney, and Roosevelt Corollaries, Manifest Destiny, the Open Door, Wilson's Fourteen Points, Franklin Roosevelt's wartime speeches and policies, Containment in all its varieties, Nixon's détente, Carter's Notre Dame speech, Clinton's enlargement, and the Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Carter, and Reagan Doctrines. Far from hurling the country into a state of anomie, the end of the Cold War has revealed anew the conceptual opulence that has cluttered American thinking throughout this century.
(Back to Bedrock: The Eight Traditions of American Statecraft)
The Protestant Reformation was a major 16th century European movement aimed initially at reforming the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Its religious aspects were supplemented by ambitious political rulers who wanted to extend their power and control at the expense of the Church.
Bank failures because banks didn’t have a backup plan to ensure that everyone may get their money.