Answer:Beantworten Sie folgende Fragen:
1. Wie alt ist Norma?
2. Was macht Anne sehr gern?
3. Wer kommt aus Litauen?
4. Was möchte Lola in den nächsten Jahren machen?
5. Was macht Florian zurzeit?
6. Wer kommt aus Tansania?
7. Wo hat Nikos Vater gearbeitet?
8. Wie alt ist Florian?
9. Was würde Anne gern machen?
10. Was macht Niko nächstes Jahr?
Force majeure I believe so.
The path to life begins today, the time for a fresh start and I am new. For those who came here, my heart goes out to my little mom and my perpimmon perfecta, and my baby...I love you all so much.
A. the Expression tells someone your listening. they can see it on your face. it will change with the information
Two-handed, non-symmetrical signs have one dominant hand which moves and one passive hand which serves as a base. For right-handed signers, the right hand is the active or dominant hand, while the left hand is the passive or base hand. For left-handed signers, it is the opposite. Meaning: sushi. More examples: read, help, investigate, painting.