1 . - It destroy the habitat of many living organisms.
- It poisoned the air due to high CO2
- It killed the organisms and disrupt the ratio
2. It's better to use .org which indicate that the research are solely for that specific purpose
3. Create an earthquake detector that could predict the earthquake before it happened
By Doing it this way, we allow the American People to have more of a say. This keeps them happy in the US, and prevents repeats of the Revolutionary War. When the people choose their leaders, they can hope that the leaders have the people on their mind
¿Qué propósitos educativos debe buscar la escuela?
¿Cómo se pueden seleccionar las experiencias de aprendizaje que puedan ser útiles para lograr estos objetivos?
¿Cómo se pueden organizar las experiencias de aprendizaje para una instrucción eficaz?
¿Cómo se puede evaluar la efectividad de las experiencias de aprendizaje?