Douglass depicts the slaves on Colonel Lloyd's huge manor as living in dread of beatings and different types of physical manhandle. He is a kid, yet he saw more established slaves whipped for even exceptionally minor offenses. Work on the manor was burdensome, and slaves were for the most part provided with just extremely minimum essentials for survival. Notwithstanding rural work, the slaves likewise did a wide range of gifted specialists, including "shoemaking and repairing, the blacksmithing, cartwrighting, coopering, weaving, and grain-pounding." The slaves had distinctive regulators, one of which, Mr. Serious, was extremely pitiless and practically cruel, beating slave moms before their kids. The entire manor was keep running in an extremely professional manner, and slaves had a tendency to separate among themselves in light of the division of work on the homestead.
Click attachment. The red line around te land is as far as he got.
The domino theory applied in Vietnam in that the reason for the US involvement was to prevent communism from spreading. The concept of the domino theory was that if one nation fell to communism, so would the surrounding nations. In the case of Vietnam, the US failed to prevent communism.
Every one of them had to move from there homes and had lost loved ones along the way they had little to no food little to no shelter and some had kids which only tore them even more
They agree that they need more men, they need spies, they need people to trade with, and they need better weapons.