The answer to this will be despairing
assonance, consonance, internal rhyme, rhythm
A free verse in a poem is a type of poem that does not rely on metre patterns, rhymes or any other pattern as they do not rigidly follow any rules.
Therefore, the poetic devices that writers of free verse use to create musical language are assonance, consonance, internal rhyme, rhythm
Answer: enhypen
It's like a polaroid love
사랑 촌스런 그 감정
근데 내 가슴이 뛰어
왜 나 이래 나? (야)
왜 사랑에 목 매는 건지?
어차피 뻔한 감정이잖아
분명 다 안다 믿었지
알고도 빠진 함정인가 봐
나도 모르게 when you call my name
가슴 아프게 나의 심장이 쿵쿵
It's like a polaroid love
사랑 촌스런 그 감정
근데 내 가슴이 뛰어
왜 나 이래 나?
It's like a polaroid love
내 뜻대로 되지 않아
흔한 filter조차 없어
But I love the vibe (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
words starting with A and B.
- Abandon
- abase
- abate
- abdicate
- abberation
- abet
- abhor
- abyss
- accede
- absolve
- abject
- accolade
- accost
- acerbic
- acquite
- adage
- adhoc
- adjure
- advent
- ad-lib
- adjure
- ado
- aegis
- affable
- affectation
- affirm
- affront
- afoot
- agile
- alacrity
- albeit
- algorithium
- allay
- allocate
- allude
- amiable
- amicable
- analogy
- anomaly
- ardent
- atone
- astute
- aver
- awry
- avuncular.
- babble
- backlog
- badger
- baleful
- banal
- banter
- baritone
- barrage
- bashful
- baulk
- bawdy
- beacon
- bedlam
- beguile
- behest
- benign
- bionicc
- bigot
- blase
- blend
- bolster
- bravo
- breach'
- bugbear
- brevity
- burly
- bustle
- bygone
- byword
- browbeat
The answer would be A: A labeled diagram of a car engine. This would show the viewers what each part is and where it goes in order to rebuild the engine.