support the new republic
From 1795 to 1799, France was ruled by the Directory for four years after the "Reign of Terror," when the nation was controlled by the Public Safety Committee. However, it was soon engulfed with wides[presad famine, war with neighboring nations, and even internal conflicts between revolutionaries and royalists. Moreover, these factors combined with corruption gave for Napoean to seize power, and his government called Consulate. The above statement reflects the zeal of the new government to gather public support.
(From Wikipedia article) The conference began on 18 January 1919. With respect to its end date, Professor Michael Neiberg has noted "Although the senior statesmen stopped working personally on the conference in June 1919, the formal peace process did not really end until July 1923, when the Treaty of Lausanne was signed".
<span>Plato and Aristotle were both interested in governmentPlato didn't believe in democracy; he Aristotle believed the best government has elements of monarchy, oligarchy, and in rule by philosopher-kings whereas democracy.</span>
Call Muslims to prayer
They serve multiple purposes but their prime function is to call muslims to prayer, hope this helps
The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968 were both aimed at "<span>c. improving housing and living conditions in cities," since during this time many housing complexes were very dangerous, and oftentimes segregated. </span>