La temperatura más baja existente es el llamado cero absoluto. Se representa como 0K (cero grado Kelvin). Es tan bajo como -273,14°C. Es un valor teórico, que no se ha alcanzado en ningún experimento físico
The Tuareg culture exhibits a combination of Islamic and pre-Islamic traditions. So in regards to the question given, the correct option is option "c". The Tuareg are actually nomadic people that follow a pastoralist lifestyle. These people are normally found in the interior of Saharan desert of North Africa. As they are nomadic people, they are constsntly on the move from place to place in search of food and shelter. Niger, Algeria and Mali are the places where these people are found in abundance. These people often get engaged in fight for control of land and fertile places for their animals to feed.
Some examples of this were the Fugitive Slave Act, Preston Brooks's attack on Charles Sumner, and the Dred Scott decision (the part of it which said that African Americans could never be citizens). None of these events tangibly hurt the North or the South.