(B) A fort was established and many were killed by disease.
After Lewis and Clark's expedition, the people of mandan village were faced by a devastating outbreak of smallpox disease in the year 1837, as much as the epidemic was devastating it played an important role in uniting the surviving people in Mandan and Hidatsa village who later interacted in trade farming and hunting
The correct answer is C.
The “Iron Curtain” is a metaphor which then Prime Minister, Winston Churchill said in a speech on March 5, 1946.
The term “Iron Curtain” referred to the barrier (divide) put up by the Communist Soviet Union between itself and western, non-communist democratic countries.
The Communist Soviet Union had decided to put up barriers after World War II.
Abels Enterprises is likely a closely held corporation because shares of stock are not offered to the general public.
Since Abels Enterprises is a closely held corporation, it has a limited number of stockholders and its stocks are rarely exchanged.
He responded by saying that Galileo had no authority to determinan
which passages can or should be taken literally and which shouldn't
There are many ways for this to happen. The president can make bills. This isn't always effective as they can be rejected by congress. The president can also wage war. He has to be careful when doing this as it could backfire on him.